GIGZB LLC (dba Ivylevel) ("Ivylevel") offers highly personalized, long-term college preparation services (the "Ivylevel Services") designed to guide the Student in boosting academics, extracurriculars, and/or college applications. By enrolling and making payment, the Customer agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in this Service Agreement ("Service Agreement"), which governs the Services provided by Ivylevel to the Student. Payment and enrollment by the Customer constitute full acceptance of all terms and conditions in this document.
1. Definitions
1.1 In this Service Agreement, the following terms are defined as follows:
"Service Agreement" refers to this document, including any amendments agreed upon in writing.
"Start Date" is the date specified on the cover of this Service Agreement, meaning the date when the first payment is made, contingent upon the Customer’s adherence to the payment terms outlined in Section 6.
"End Date" is the date on which this Service Agreement concludes, as specified on the cover page, meaning the end of the final week of the program duration enrolled to, calculated from the Start Date, subject to any early termination or extensions agreed upon in writing.
"Coach(es)" refers to Ivylevel-appointed coaches who form the Student's dedicated support team.
"Ivylevel Services" encompasses the coaching, consulting, and guidance services Ivylevel provides to the Student, as described in Section 3.
"Fees" are the total payable amount under this Service Agreement for the Ivylevel Services during the Term.
"Intellectual Property" includes all materials, copyrights, trademarks, frameworks, methodologies, and other legally protected materials used or created under this Service Agreement.
"Term" refers to the period from the Start Date to the End Date, during which Services are provided.
2. Delivery of Ivylevel Services
2.1 Ivylevel will deliver the Ivylevel Services, including personalized coaching as detailed in Section 5.
The Customer acknowledges that Ivylevel’s service extends beyond any single Coach or component; it is a holistic support system designed to achieve targeted outcomes.
2.2 Ivylevel, with extensive experience and expertise, retains sole discretion to assign the most suitable Coach for each Student at any point during the Term. The Customer acknowledges that Coach assignment is not a condition or basis for contention within the Service Agreement, as Ivylevel’s expert team including Coaches, strategists, customer success managers, proven tools and frameworks that are collectively mobilized to provide comprehensive, outcome-driven Ivylevel Service.
2.3 The Customer agrees that Ivylevel Services entitle the Student to proprietary game plans, strategies, frameworks, resources, and support from the Start Date onward. Therefore, Ivylevel Services are not limited to coaching sessions alone; significant program value is achieved during onboarding and initial assessments.
2.4 Coaches are employed by Ivylevel, and no direct legal relationship exists between the Customer, the Student, and any individual Coach. All claims related to Coach performance must be directed solely to Ivylevel.
2.5 Ivylevel reserves the right to replace a Coach at any time and will notify the Customer accordingly. While the Customer may request a Coach change if there is substantial evidence demonstrating the Coach’s inability to effectively support the Student, Ivylevel will evaluate such requests in good faith, based on the evidence provided, and the impact on the Student’s long-term goals. Ivylevel is not obligated to reassign Coaches, as Coach reassignment is a supportive measure, not a service guarantee.
2.6 All services are provided online through video conferencing systems.
2.7 Ivylevel is not required to extend Services beyond the Term for any missed sessions due to the Customer’s or Student’s fault. Extensions may only occur by mutual written consent.
2.8 Cancellations must be made with at least 24 hours’ notice. Otherwise, sessions may be forfeited without further reason, subject to deductions as specified.
3. Ivylevel Obligations and Acknowledgments
3.1 Ivylevel will:Provide services in a professional manner, adhering to all applicable laws and admissions guidelines.Ensure Coaches do not engage in unethical practices, including fabricating information.
3.2 Ivylevel may reassign staff as needed based on availability or suitability for Student goals.
3.3 Ivylevel will ensure efficient coaching hour utilization and respond to communications within 48 hours.
4. Customer and Student Obligations and Acknowledgments
4.1 The Customer agrees to:
(a) Ensure Student compliance with this Service Agreement.
(b) Cover exam and application costs.
(c) Notify Ivylevel of academic and admissions outcomes.
4.2 The Student agrees to:
(a) Be available to Coaches at scheduled times.
(b) Use the Ivylevel Solution responsibly.
(c) Use hours within specified term limits of respective Ivylevel Service, or will result in Customer Breach.
4.3 The Customer and Student agree to contact Ivylevel Customer Service promptly at for support and respond within 48 hours.
4.4 The Customer and Student will not engage a Coach directly or make payments directly to any Coach within the Term and for two years post-Term. Breach of this provision will incur strict penalties, entitling Ivylevel to claim the full value of services that would otherwise have been provided, in addition to any legal remedies available.
4.5 The Customer acknowledges that:
(a) Ivylevel is not responsible for the Student’s engagement and effort levels in and out of the Ivylevel Service.
(b) Promotional materials do not form part of this Service Agreement unless specified.
(c) Timeframes for Ivylevel Service usage are binding; all aspects of the service must be used by Student within the Term, or any unused portion will be forfeited.
4.6 The Customer consents on the Student’s behalf (if under the age of consent) to video recording of sessions, which Ivylevel may use for Student safety, record-keeping, training, quality assurance, research and development, and dispute resolution. Copies may be requested for personal review.
4.7 Any unethical requests to boost the Student's profile through unethical practices, or other type of breach by the Customer, whether verbal, written, direct, or indirect, that violates the terms of this Service Agreement will be deemed a Customer Breach. In such an event, Ivylevel reserves the right to terminate this Service Agreement immediately without refund and deny any further service. Ivylevel upholds ethical standards and is committed to guiding Students to achieve outcomes through genuine effort.
5. Ivylevel Services Scope
5.1 Service options include varying hours of personalized coaching for academics, test prep, extracurriculars, leadership, or other goals.
5.2 Sessions must be used within specified weeks, subject to forfeiture policies.
6. Fees and Payments
6.1 Payments for Ivylevel Services are final and non-refundable.
6.2 Total Fees:
(a) $999 for 2 hours over 2 week Basic Plan, $10,800 for full payment or $990 x 12 for monthly payment for 24 hours over 24 weeks Comprehensive Bi-Weekly Progam, or $16,200 for full payment or $1485 x 12 for monthly payment for 48 hours over 48 weeks Ultimate Weekly Program.
(b) Or the fee for any current or future standard programs or custom programs tailored to the Student’s specific needs, as agreed upon with Customer based on the Service scope of those requirements.
6.3 Payment:
(a) Payment options include Debit/Credit Card via PayThen and Stripe, with a 5% surcharge for credit card payments.
(b) Late payments incur a 0.1% daily fee, with collection costs payable by the Customer.
(c) All installment plans are non-refundable long-term commitments. Installment customers including on monthly plan are subject to the same terms as full-payment customers.
7. Intellectual Property & Confidentiality
7.1 Work created is co-created by the Student and Ivylevel, with promotional use rights subject to anonymity unless consented.
7.2 Ivylevel retains exclusive Intellectual Property rights for all materials, granting the Student a limited license for personal use during the Term.
7.3 Both parties agree to confidentiality regarding non-public information.
8. Termination & Dispute Resolution
8.1 Early termination written request of this Service Agreement will have the following consequences:
(a) Termination due to Customer breach: no refund, and all future installments remain due to be paid by Customer within 5 working days.
(b) Termination for reasons other than Customer breach: no refund, and all future installments remain due to be paid by Customer within 5 working days. However, in such scenarios, solely at the discretion of Ivylevel, Customer may be allowed to:
(i) Transfer unused service value to other Ivylevel services at a conversion rate determined by Ivylevel.
(ii) Transfer unused services to a sibling or new Ivylevel Student of their choice, subject to an administration and Student’s onboarding fee at the discretion of Ivylevel.
8.3 Reasonable scenarios, solely at the discretion of Ivylevel, may allow early termination without future installments:
(a) The Student passes away.
(b) The Student is diagnosed with severe health related issues preventing participation.
(c) Any circumstance Ivylevel deems reasonable.
9. Liability
9.1 Ivylevel does not guarantee specific academic, SAT/ ACT scores, extracurricular impact, winning awards, or admissions outcomes.
9.2 Claims related to this Service Agreement should be directed exclusively to Ivylevel, not individual Coaches.
10. General
10.1 This Service Agreement is accepted upon payment and enrollment; no additional signatures are required.
10.2 This Service Agreement is governed by Delaware law. Delaware courts have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes.