Here comes a title

now approaching lunar sunrise. only when the cause is understood and a change to eliminate it has been made and verified, can we proceed with the flight program. our failure would lead to consequences unthinkable. since the beginning of time, mankind has considered it as an expression of its earthly weakness and inadequacy to be bound to the earth, to be unable to free itself from the mysterious shackles of gravity. the contemplation of celestial things will make a man both speak and think more sublimely and magnificently when he descends to human affairs. the mass gross absence of sound in space is more than just silence. the outstanding feature, however, is the possibility that the velocity-distance relation may represent the de sitter effect, and hence that numerical data may be introduced into discussions of the general curvature of space. there are no practical alternatives to air transportation. this item is not even worth mentioning other than wanting to make sure that you are not surprised by it in a question from a reporter.

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